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Science Communication


Science communication is a social responsibility of a scientist. Nowadays, scientists have an increasing obligation to become involved with policy-makers and the public in finding solutions to global challenges, such as global warming and air pollution. However, jargons and obscure languages in science are invisible walls, inhibiting the transformation of knowledge to social improvements. Science communication is then the key to breaking the walls and bridging the gap. Therefore, scientists should take on the responsibility to make science accessible to people and should master the skill to communicate science with a wide variety of audience such as policy-makers, the science community and the public including children and youth. 

In this section, you will find my efforts on science communication in a variety of settings to accommodate the interests of different audience. These efforts include: 

1. outreach - inspiring future generations. 

2. blog - interpreting science in air quality to graduate students and peer-scientists

3. resources - books, videos and websites that help improve communication skills.

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